Minggu, 13 November 2016

Psychedelic Sunday: Public spaces of the Psychaelic era - Interior Design 2016

Detroit's former Science center staircase, 1979
1960s Shopping Mall Palm Beach Vintage Postcard
Verna Panton's swimming pool
Elevator at Monroe Gutman Library, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Benjamin Thompson Associates, 1974
And something for the kids
I have a new child friendly lava lamp from Mathmos and have been listening to the Mahavishnu orchestra on rotation this past couple of weeks which has prompted me to look at psychedelic interiors and architecture so I thought I would mix things up and add some colour to Moon to Moon and the post Trump gloom taking over the world... enjoy!

from Moon to Moon http://ift.tt/2fOxamf Psychedelic Sunday: Public spaces of the Psychaelic era - Interior Design 2016

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