Sabtu, 01 Februari 2020

Essential Store Japan.... - Interior Design 2016

Essential Store Japan

As a child we spent a fair bit of time at antique fairs and shops. My parents are big collectors of ceramics and glassware and we were often on a hunt in some far off town for another piece of Honiton pottery. When I was little I have to be honest I found it a little dull, I would rather be playing ,but there were some huge antiques shops that were mazes spread over a few floors of big dusty ex-factories. These buildings were fun and I just loved exploring the curios with my sister and choosing which shiny things we would buy for our houses when we were 'older'.

Now i am 'older' I find myself drawn to these places once again, with the addition of charity shops, and can spend hours  browsing without buying, just imagining where i would put that Victorian chair, Matisse print or beautiful glass paper weight, and fingering through the teaspoons and old wooden handled bread knives. The magic hasn't gone , I am transported back to the Narnia of my youth where anything is possible.

When I saw these pictures of the Essential Store in Japan my curiosity was instantly awakened....  what is in those cabinets? what was that ceramic hand used for and who would give up that cute little tree, and most importantly how can i get one of those sets of bells hanging in the window..... and that blue and black painting....... and oh my.... the title of that book on the desk!!!! haha

from Moon to Moon Essential Store Japan.... - Interior Design 2016

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